Senior Developer - image Avario-2020-Basic on
Application - Sr. Developer
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Knowledge Level - Self Assessment

The following questions are a self-assessment of your skill levels and knowledge. We know self-assessments can be difficult. You have made it this far and all applications at this level will be reviewed, so do not be afraid to be very honest about your knowledge levels.
Linux Knowledge Level
Do you use linux as your everyday development operating system?
Do you have at least 10 years of Linux experience ? (if not, how many years experience using linux do you have?)
Do you use Debian as your distro ? (if no, what distro)
Would you consider yourself to be a Linux expert ? (if not what level would you consider yourself to be)


C/C++ Knowledge Level

1) Are you an expert/advanced C/C++ programmer ? (if not what level would you consider yourself to be)


SCM (Git) Knowledge Level

Do you work daily with Git ? (if not, which SCM)
Would you consider yourself to be a Git expert ?
Do you use GitHub ?
Do you use GitHub workflows ?


Python 3.9.x / 3.10.x
Knowledge Level

Are you an expert/advanced python programmer ? (if not what level would you consider yourself to be)
Are you familiar with cython and compiling python modules ?
Are you familiar with python wheels ?
Are you familiar with python unittest ?
Are you familiar with python doc strings ?
Are you familiar with Sphinx, Pdoc, PyDoc ?


NodeJS / Javascript / TypeScript
Knowledge Level

Are you familiar with NodeJS ?
Are you an advanced TypeScript/JavaScript programmer? (if not what level would you consider yourself to be)
Are you familiar with TypeScript transpilation processes ?
Are you familiar with creating: tsconfig.json, rollup.config.js, package.json ?
Which Framework(s) do you have working knowledge of?
You made it to the end! All you have to do now is click the button below and your answers will be reviewed by our HR team. Thank you again for applying for the Senior Developer Position.